RM125 '90-99 : Vertex Two-stroke Piston (Replica)
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Vertex Two-stroke Piston (Replica)

Vertex Two-stroke Piston (Replica)
Price: € 118.00
Brand: Vertex
Productcode: 1648
Availability: 2 - 4 Working Days

Available Options

* Piston Size:

* Fits:




Vertex Two-stroke Piston (Replica)

Because of a cast piston’s ability to contain higher silicon content compared to forged pistons, and because two-strokes have lower cylinder pressures when compared to four-strokes, cast pistons are ideal for two-stroke engines. Vertex pistons are gravity cast from an aluminium alloy with 18% silicon content. Silicon is important because;

  • It decreases thermal expansion, which changes the geometry after the piston reaches operating temperature. With low thermal expansion characteristics, Vertex pistons can be run at tighter tolerances compared with forged pistons. This creates better power and performance, also making them less susceptible to rattling or breaking.
  • Silicon gives the pistons better wear characteristics and prolongs piston life by decreasing wear on the piston skirt.
Cast piston in original OE form
Cast piston developed with Vertex know-how
Forged Piston developed in alernative to cast, with Vertex know how and race shap
Replica BB:
Cast piston in original OE form for big bore cylinder
Pro Replica:
Forged piston in original OE form
Pro BB:
Forged piston in original OE form for big bore cylinder
Pro Race:
Forged piston developed with Vertex know-how and race shape profile
Pro HC:
Forged piston developed with Vertex know-how, race shape profile and high compression ratio
Pro Race HC:
Forged piston developed with Vertex know-how, one compression ring, race shape profile and high compression ratio

Piston Size:

     53.95 A
     53.96 B
     53.97 C
     53.98 D
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